Thursday, July 27, 2006

celebrating 26 years together

Walter and I are celebrating our 26th wedding anniversary; gosh it doesn't seems possible and yet so much has happened during that time. These are some photos of us when we first met - doesn't Walter look dashingly handsome? What an odd couple we were, he had been attending graduate school and I had been hitch-hiking around the country, sleeping outdoors under the stars most of the time, and finding work when I needed money. Needless to say, his parents were NOT impressed with me initially - I was 10 years younger than Walter and a bit *airy* (still am). I chose to go back to school after we had been married awhile, I'd had both the girls, and had settled down. It all seems like a life time ago...


turquoise cro said...

How SWEET! Happy Anniversary!! He looks like a writer and you look like a heroine of flowers~! It's nice to meet another hitch-hiker! Phew! What were we thinking, I would NEVER do that now! It was even actually dangerous back then too! well, I HOPE you had a sweet celebration!

navylane said...

you sound like such a perfect match... congratulations as you celebrate such a rich and abundant history together!

Kristin Saegaert said...

Happy Anniversary! Love that picture of you!

mary boyer said...

And you don't look a bit different, young as ever!

Congrats - xoxo Mary

Misty Mawn said...

You look beautiful! Congratulations to both of you! xo