Monday, October 17, 2005

My First Assemblage in Awhile

Confession: I haven't been doing what's on my 'to do' list today. Instead I felt the urgent desire to finish up this assemblage I started on Saturday. I don't quite understand why I feel so compelled to do personal artwork when I have deadlines in other areas of my life. A thought I may ponder on my flight to Mexico on Friday.

I named this piece 'carnival' because Walter thought my altered doll looked a little scary...maybe so. The doll was inspired by the work of Patricia Anders who uses porcelin doll torsoes in her fantastic ornies. The rest of the assemblage is a combination of thrift store, discards, and found objects. This piece was lots of fun - whetted my appetite for more assemblage.

1 comment:

iHanna said...

The piece is very cool! I agree that it's a bit scarry, but I love that in dolls right now. And that it's in a box makes it so nice, I wish I had a whole bunch of boxes right NOW! :-)